Spice & Recipe: The Origins of Flavor – The Best of Season 1

Mike DiGiacomo wraps up the first season of Spice and Recipe: The Origins of Flavor.

17 guests from 13 countries shared their recipes and stories. All the guests, but the Costa Rican chef, live in Omaha, Nebraska, in the heart of America.

Spice and Recipe: The Origins of Flavor introduced recipes that are easy to make and are regular entries in each country’s cuisine. We want to bring the world to your kitchen table with easiness in mind. You can check here for all the recipes that include snack, picnic food, stews and pasta dishes.

Food has no boundaries. Indeed. If food would be the criteria, the world would have been a happy place. To immigrants, food takes on another meaning. The longing for home makes them excellent cooks in America. Cooking is their way of remembering home and preserving traditions among their American born family members. Some of our guests have spent more than 50 years here, yet speak of their native countries as though they arrived yesterday.

Spice and Recipe with Mike DiGiacomo will return for a second season soon. Please subscribe to the New Americans Media YouTube channel to receive updates. Thank you for watching and reading. Have a great summer OMA and USA! 

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June 17, 2021

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