Letters to Andy: European Travel

How boredom from COVID isolation and American lifestyle led to the creation of lifelong family memories.

Greeting Andy from Omaha,

And yes, it has been a long time but now I am back. Back to the program and back to the United States.

Somehow, we managed to stay covid free, partly due to the vaccine, and partly due to a very strict lifestyle we applied in the past two years. And as we kept our bodies free of the virus our mind gave up this time last year. Isolation made us realized what was missing in our lives.

My husband and I moved to the United States about 20 years ago. Based for the most part in Omaha, Nebraska we wanted to refresh the feeling of our youth – we call it adventure. With a larger team – we are now parents of two boys, 15 and 12 years of age, we embarked on a six-month journey to 13 countries in Europe.

The need for a new beginning was one of the reasons of this nonsense you may say – travel during a pandemic.

Kids played a role in it too. Born and raised Americans, they seem to live in a bubble. The feeling of entitlement which they displayed once in while became bothersome to both us parents. We wanted to show them life on the other side of the pond. Besides, considering their age we thought this could be the only chance we have to spend a memorable time with our children. A present, we hope they will replicate with their own families when time comes.

Sure, our both sets of parents appreciated our visit, many good memories were made, but truth be told we are glad to be back. Now, bear with me as I take you along on this travel memoir.

The journey starts next week.

Till then, have a great time.


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June 5, 2022

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